Lonie Microphonie

Lonie Microphonie Speech Lindsay Johnson (speaking voice & soloist)
Lonie Microphonie: Hi y’all. This here is Lonie catchin’ you on a break from my practice schedule. I’m not with Joni right now, and I miss her somethin’ awful! Even though she’s my “cuz,” she’s like my sister and my best friend all rolled up into one. I like when we take the time to shoot the breeze about just being teenage girls. We talk on our cells, text and such, but I prefer face to face with her. We should be hitchin’ back up real soon though, and I’m really lookin’ forward to that. When we talk, Joni and I are keepin’ each other accountable in our Bible readin’ and prayer time. God is so faithful to us both, and I want to stay real close to Him. It’s so good to know that while I can’t be with my loved ones, God is always with them and with me. I couldn’t do what I do without Him, that’s for certain! With school and practice and performin’ I got a real full plate, but God gives me grace and strength when I need it most. I better run. Hope to see ya real soon, y’all. Bye now.

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