Sing God’s Word –
Spirit Among Us
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Dietrich Beachy (speaking voice)
Derrick Dissonance: Boy, I sure am glad that Kori, Anthony, and Libby came to Symphony City, and I’m glad you’re here too! It makes such a difference to know I have so many friends to support me as I understand more about God through the Holy Spirit and continue to perform with the Youth Orchestra. I’ve learned so much from M.C., Maestro Roberto, and all the other great friends I have in the Body of Christ. I am thankful for my parents and Dilly who are also growing in faith. I do try to stay clear of my brothers Donny and Danny, but I know that M.C. is right – they do need my prayers, testimony, and love. I am asking the Holy Spirit to use me to bring them to the Lord. Just like for me, his love is there for them too!
Timmy Williamson (speaking voice & soloist)
Maestro Nicola Roberto: Buongiorno! How are-a you all-a doing today? I have been having much-a joy conducting the Symphony City Youth-a Orchestra. The students are-a performing so well-a, and many of our-a citizens come-a to our-a concerts. I am especially proud-a of Derrick Dissonance who has become a model-a member. And-a while I am thrilled with the beautiful-a music the students are performing, I am even more-a joyful to see how they are all-a growing in their faith-a and trust-a in the Lord. God is doing some-a wonderful things among us-a all!
Meredith Washam (speaking voice & soloist)
Melodie Shurman: Hey there; Mel here. I just spent some time helping to lead a sectional rehearsal for voice students at Symphony City School for the Arts. We really have some fine talent, and I know that Maestro Roberto is very pleased at the good progress everyone is making on our concert pieces. I am so happy that Derrick Dissonance has become such an integral member of the group. He is also a really good friend to many of us. Soon I will be joining my cousin, Joni Microphonie, on tour, but until then I am really enjoying my life in Symphony City – going to school, helping out with the youth orchestra, teaching lessons at Aunt Sadie’s Voice Studio, and hanging out with my friends here. It’s nice to see Kori, Anthony, and Libby from Libertyville when they come to town, and I am looking forward to their next visit. God is so good! I hope you’ll be spending time with us often too!
Ronnie Jones (speaking voice & soloist)
Griffin Guitar:
Do do do-do do; oh, hi there. I’ve been inspired by the Holy Spirit to work on a new song. I am so blessed that God uses me to influence others for him through music. It brings me so much joy, and I know that I could not do what I do without the Spirit’s help. It was great to be able to share with Derrick Dissonance that even Jesus had the power of the Holy Spirit with him to do the works he did when here on earth. We all need the Spirit to live our lives in the best way possible. Hope you’ll come back by the next time you’re in town.
Micah Beachy (speaking voice & soloist)
Bobby Banjo: Hey y’all! Come on in and sit with us for a spell. Me and the family always love to welcome visitors to our antique emporium. We sure get some fine valuables in our shop, and we have some perty nice folks stop in to take a look around. My favorite part though, is being a witness for Jesus to anyone who steps through our door. The Holy Spirit gives me the words and the power to speak for him. That gives me such joy, and I’m grateful to the Lord for using me to bring others into the kingdom. All glory to him!
Anthony Langdon (speaking voice & soloist)
Britt Bass: Hello, all. I’m happy to make your acquaintance. I’ve been enjoying my time in Symphony City greatly. My mate, Quinn Quaver, and I share a flat near the center of town. It really is quite posh, though all the neighbors are very sensible. I’m not sure how long we will stay here with these very likeable folks, but while we are here, it truly is a smashing place to be. I especially enjoy sharing my faith with others, and I truly want the fruit of the Spirit to shine through. I hope sometime we can sit down together for a chat, a nice cup of tea, and a crumpet. Until then, Cheerio!
Wendy Burchette (speaking voice & soloist)
Aunt Sadie Shurman: Remember me, Aunt Sadie? I’m so glad you stopped by. I’m always happy to have visitors. I’m really enjoying the vocal students who come to my voice studio. I love helping them mature in their vocal abilities, but my greatest desire is that they will use their gifts to glorify the Lord. Since Joni is out of town so much these days, it has been a real blessing to have my other niece, Melodie, help out in the studio and to be able to grow close to her as we spend time together. She’s such a special gal! I’m still singing periodically on the big band stage and at church. No matter what platform the Lord gives me, my goal is to honor him. The Holy Spirit always helps me do my best in whatever the Lord has me do. Keep living for him! I hope you come back soon.
Josephine Langdon (speaking voice & singer)
Kori Anderson: I want to take some time to introduce you to my neighbor, Libby. I’ve known Libby since she was a very little girl. Not only is she my neighbor, she and her family go to my church. Libby is cute, fun, and funny, and even though she is quite a bit younger than I, she is like a sister to me, and I really like spending time with her. It was especially nice to have her spend a week with my family and me while her parents were out of town. I’m so glad Derrick Dissonance asked us to come to Symphony City and Libby was able to experience it too. Libby, Anthony, and I hope to visit again soon. I especially want to check in on Derrick and of course visit our very special friend, M.C. I’m so glad we got to meet Maestro Nicola Roberto, Melodie Shurman, and so many others on our last visit. I can’t wait for us to go back!
Libby Tuck (speaking voice & singer)
Libby Lee: Ever since our visit to Symphony City, I have thought a lot about our time there and all the new friends I met. It was so much fun to see all the instruments there and hear their Scripture songs. I still have those running through my head, and I know that I am hiding the Word in my heart as I sing them. I really want to go to Mr. Well’s Music Shop again soon so that we can go back through the shop to Symphony City. It is such a neat place, and I’m so glad Kori and Anthony took me along. Kori is very special to me, and now so is everyone I spent time with there.
Rebekah F. Tuck (speaking voice & Kids’ Choir)
Bekah Belle: Hiya! I just walked home with Rachel Recorder and Vinny Violin. We were at the playground, and we were singing all the fun songs that Miss Tara has taught us. That is my favorite thing to do. Well, I also really like swinging at the playground, and I do like eating ice cream. I’m glad I get to do all three with Rachel and my other good friends from the Kids’ Choir. Miss Tara is the best, and Maestro Roberto is a lot of fun to sing with too. They both teach us a lot of things about music and about serving Jesus with the gifts he’s given us. It’s so great to sing for him!
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