Sing God’s Word –
Way to Praise!
Thomas Starchia (speaking voice)
Slammin’ Sammy Saxophone: So many good things were passed down to me from my family. My mom was a real pro in the kitchen. She always had us kids help out to fix meals for our family, for folks coming over or for people in need. My Dad was an incredible musician—still is. He gave me such an appreciation for good music. And both of my parents made sure I had the Word of God in my life to guide me. They helped me to see how good God is and how much He cares for me. Now my wife Sophia [Jessica Lackey (speaking voice & soloist)] and I use these blessings in our lives and pass them on to others at our café, in our neighborhood and wherever God allows us to be. Make sure you stop in and see us next time you’re in Symphony City!
Karen D Langdon (speaking voice & soloist)
Benita Bongo: It has been such a great day in the Lord. I had many special passengers on the Rumba Bus today. It makes me very happy when I tell people about Jesus and the love He has for me and for them. I hope you will ride along sometime so that we can talk about Jesus and learn more about one another. Have a blessed day!
Matt French (speaking voice)
Shaker Shake: I’ve been running my coin shop now for nearly 15 years. That has been plenty of time to pick up some very valuable pieces. Coin collecting started as a hobby that has grown into a really nice business for me. Some people think I must be rich with all that valuable treasure in my shop. However, my greatest treasure is not in costly coins, but in the Son of God who has given me eternal life. That makes me shake all over!
Katelyn Langdon (speaking voice & soloist)
Tara Tambourine: Serving God at my church and in my community is one of my favorite things to do. Not only do I like to sing, I love to work behind-the-scenes to get everything ready for a service or a program. It makes me feel so good inside to know that I can be a part of something that God can use to bless others. May He always be given honor and glory for what He does through me!
Paul McIntyre (speaking voice & soloist)
The Drummer Family: I’ve always loved anything that has to do with cars. I worked in my Dad and Uncles’ shop from the time I was a little tom. Our Salvage and Auto Supply shop is loud, to be sure. I think all the noise is great. It’s no surprise then that I sing at the top of my voice, clap loudly, and shout to praise the Lord. But my wife Dee Dee [Estera Vatran (speaking voice)] is trying to make sure we take time to worship God quietly too. That sounds good to me as long as Dee Dee, my children (Ricky, Kiki, J.D.) Michael Tuck (speaking voice & soloist), Monique Bird (speaking voice & soloist), J. L. Langdon (speaking voice) and I show our love to God.
Ashley LeClair (speaking voice & soloist)
Cadena Conga: People seem to love when I come to their parties and play for them. I still enjoy that part of my life very much. But since I’ve become a Christian, I know that my purpose is far beyond entertaining others. God’s purpose for me is to share the love of Jesus. I look forward to the day when we will have a great big party in heaven. I will really be excited to play along for Jesus the King!
Michelle Hardin (speaking voice & soloist)
Gracie Guitar: I am so grateful to God for His love and care for me no matter what I face. Even though sometimes life is hard, I have the joy of the Lord as my strength and the blessing of sharing that joy with others. I also thank God for my family and friends like Matt Cello, who help me, encourage me and pray for me often. The Lord is so kind to provide for all my needs.
Lorenzo Jackson (speaking voice & soloist)
Pastor Jaron Zimri: Hallelujah! Thank you, Jesus, for your wonderful gift of music and singing! The Bible says that when we are with the Lord, we will be praising Him forever and ever… I’m so glad that we can start now—this very day. Let everything that has breath praise the Lord! AMEN!
Johannes Schröder (speaking voice)
Mr. Clave: All glory to God! I am so grateful to the Lord to visit America and bring our children to sing in many churches. God takes care of us every day and shows us many miracles as we honor Him with our music. I pray we will always bring Him glory as we give Him thanks and praise in song.
Jon Burchette (speaking voice)
Officer Barry Tubanski: It’s been quite a long time since I joined the Symphony City Police Force. It’s my job to make sure that our streets are safe and free from trouble. Symphony City is a pretty nice, quiet town. But every once in a while, I’m forced to blow my horn to stop someone from getting hurt or doing something that is a problem for others. God always protects me as I do my job looking after our citizens. I’m thankful I can always count on Him.
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