Circle of Need
It has been an ultra-busy fall season, the details of which would take up at least a blessings blog amount of space to recount. Basically, my schedule was packed day-to-day and just about minute-to minute from the get-go in September, right through and actually beyond the end of October. I’m not sure that I had really counted the cost of two months of an agenda that afforded no wiggle room, but as my sister-in-law so aptly says, “It is what it is!” and I took a big breath and went with the flow.
The final endeavor of this two-month travel and activity merry-go-round was a trip to my daughter’s home in Texas to watch her three little ones (girl-6 and boys-4 and 2) while she went on a ministry retreat. I am more than happy to spend times like these with my wonderful grandkids, particularly because our time with them is more often than not separated by months at the least, and it is dear to me. I did not take this on wearing rose-colored glasses, however. I did have time with all the littles (7 of them) earlier in October, and I’m certainly not naïve to the energy and effort just a few hours with even one family can take.
And so, I came with a plan: I had some good ideas about where food and drinks would be consumed, how toys that continued littering the floors would find themselves in a trash bag (temporarily – honest!), and that on days when we did have to do things outside the home, we would prepare the night before with clothing and lunches at the ready. I also often do my own routines at night rather than in the morning when I’m with young grandchildren so that I’m adequately prepared for the following day. It actually was all going really well, not perfect, but manageable. That is, until Saturday! It wasn’t long after the morning dawned that things seemed to go south pretty quickly. The four-year-old, Caden, was manifesting symptoms of a fairly bad virus, and his nose was not afraid to show it. It needed constant wiping and attention. At breakfast, Mr. Two used his water bottle to flood his food tray, the floor, and himself. At least that mishap led to a cleaner area when addressed. There were fights over favorite blocks, a tussle over a Santa hat (yes, Santa hat on the first weekend of November), and clashes over other toys that all needed intervention and a level-headed perspective. Big sister engaged baby brother in a game of what I call “pedal-pusher;” each child pushes on the feet of the other in pedal fashion while holding hands. This managed to leave a bloody bottom lip on the little guy with the ensuing care needed for such an incident. We had a potty accident followed immediately by a dirty diaper, each requiring major clean-up, in more ways than one. By this time, it was way past noon. The shower I had hoped to take to allow for me to wash my hair was a pipedream, and as I considered the way things had gone so far that day, this phrase swirled in my mind, “my grandkids present a never-ending circle of need!” When we finally got to making lunch and I dropped the jelly jar on the kitchen tile sending glass fragments and jelly all throughout the floor, I realized that I had entered that circle of need myself.
Now, I can hear you saying, “Move over, Grandma! This is my story daily, and it doesn’t take until afternoon to get there.” Believe me, I am aware. I was a mom before the grand was attached. But there is some great news that we can all hold onto and that we especially think about at this time of year. When God sent his Son into the world not “to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him” (John 3:17b, ESV), Jesus entered right into our circle of need! In fact, he came as he did so that he could relate to the needs of all humankind. As an infant, he didn’t arrive with a self-changing diapering mechanism, a continuous feeding tube, and a recurring hygiene system. No! He came with the need to have nurturing care provided by his mother and protection and provision afforded by his dad, both his earthly parent and his heavenly Father. We are left to imagine what most of his life must have been like as a boy, but considering that day and time, he was vulnerable to the same difficulties and challenges of any other child. Picture fleeing to Egypt and then the trek back; the yearly pilgrimage to Jerusalem for the Passover traveling over rough and rugged terrain; the trials of living as a poor family in the sometimes-hostile environment of first century Israel. And then, even as a man, in spite of constant contact with his heavenly Father, he still had the need for companionship, the need for sustenance, and the need for shelter and clothing. There was nothing about Jesus’ life that was above what we face. However, he had the ability to face it in full harmony with God and with continued strength and confidence that God the Father would meet his every need. Do you believe the same?
Jesus empathizes with our needs, and he is there to meet them. This Christmas, invite him into your circle of need through prayer, taking in his Word, and spending time before him, even if you have just a few precious minutes in the day. He will enter in and bring his peace that passes all understanding along with his answers for your everyday needs as well as the bigger challenges you face.
“Since then we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus, the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession. For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need” (Hebrews 4:14-16, ESV).
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The Wisdom of Seeking Jesus
I am so blessed to have some wonderful Christian sisters who mean the world to me. A couple, in particular, are close both in distance and in heart. We often celebrate holidays, birthdays, and other occasions together, which is a tremendous blessing when most of our family live so far away. One of my dear sisters, Cindy, has a birthday in mid-November. Over the years we have observed her special day in different ways – sometimes I’ve traveled to her house; this year she came to mine. Last year we decided to spend the day together at Colorado’s largest mall. As is typical during the holiday season, among the over 180 shops was one dedicated to all things Christmas. Interestingly, so much of what this place featured was white décor. I’m rather partial to the old red and green traditional colors myself, but there were many decorative and pretty ornaments and other adornments filling the shelves and spaces. One item in particular caught Cindy’s eye. It was a very simple ceramic nativity that featured Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus in the stable. It was all white, all one piece, and was about eight inches tall and maybe ten inches wide – perfect as a table top creche. Cindy said she had been looking for a manger scene, and though she was quite taken with it and it was on sale, she just couldn’t purchase it at that time. For the rest of our mall visit, I tried to think of a way I could sneak back to the store and pick it up as her Christmas gift, but I never found the opportunity to do so. Since my husband and I would be traveling past this mall again in just a few days, I decided to stop back by then to make the purchase.
Though there were several on display for that first visit, by the time I returned, there were no white manger scenes to be found. Highly disappointed, I made it my mission to find this nativity somewhere. I tried home stores and big-box stores, department stores and boutiques. I even looked in larger grocery stores that had a dedicated holiday section, all to no avail. Then I hit the Internet. Nothing resembled that precious Holy Family display! Being that Christmas and our gift exchange were fast approaching, I decided to put aside the nativity gift thought until this year and get something else instead. I resumed my search this November. This is the stable design that is often seen on cards, ornaments, and wall hangings, but this particular piece was nowhere to be found! I decided it was either a specially-created limited edition sculpture, or it was selling at that Christmas store at the end of its run. I began to think how nice it would be if a great big star would either appear over a particular merchandise establishment or pop up on my computer so I could find this special little manger. Realizing that the décor that Cindy admired was not available, I found another creche that I believed she would like just as well and gave it to her for her birthday a few weeks ago.
Within the last few weeks, I have read through the passage found in Matthew chapter two regarding the visit of the Magi, or wise men, that occurred as much as two years after Jesus was born. These men were from the east, and so they were pagans, which makes it truly interesting that they were looking for the “King of the Jews” so they could worship him. They saw the star that God set in the sky, and on the way, they came to Jerusalem where they inquired as to where they could find the child. They had a meeting with King Herod who, along with all of Jerusalem including the religious leaders, was troubled by the news. Herod did send them on to Bethlehem, as he had been advised by those leaders where the Christ would be born according to the Scriptures. He told them to bring back word regarding the place where they found Jesus under the pretense that he too wanted to worship him but with the intent to get rid of this threat to his rule. Something grabbed my attention in the next part of the passage. “After listening to the king, they went on their way. And behold, the star that they had seen when it rose went before them until it came to rest over the place where the child was. When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy. And going into the house they saw the child with Mary his mother, and they fell down and worshiped him. Then, opening their treasures, they offered him gifts, gold and frankincense and myrrh. And being warned in a dream not to return to Herod, they departed to their own country by another way” (Matthew 2:9-12, ESV). We see that the Magi did listen to King Herod, but when there was a conflict between Herod’s directives and God’s instruction, these men truly displayed wisdom by following the command of God over the dictates of man.
And that is wisdom that we too can display in our lives. As we go through the holiday season, we can bring the treasure of our own appreciation, obedience, and love of God to our precious Lord and Savior. No matter what might be attempting to dictate the use of our time, our talents, and our devotion, we can follow God’s word that reminds us to “Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you” (James 4:8, ESV). And, along with the psalmist, David, we can “Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name; worship the LORD in the splendor of holiness” (Psalm 29:2, ESV). It is only in so doing that we can find ourselves in the company of the Magi who came from afar to pay homage to the One and Only King who reigns forever and ever. Though I had a hard time finding a specific simple representation of the Christ child, you will never have trouble finding Jesus when you truly seek him. Make the time, take the time to come to Jesus!
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Putting Down to Pick Up
I have no doubt that moms who are worth their weight in baby wipes would concur with this statement: parenting is a very overwhelming job, especially throughout the first few months of an infant’s life. After all, the baby just spent nine months tucked inside a cozy bubble, and the desire for that warmth and closeness isn’t left behind. While the infant’s primary interest is wrapped up in ensuring his tummy is full, besides a laundry list of needs that Mama is often the one to meet, it is essential for the baby to be cuddled and cooed at and given much me time. The benefits are great for mom too. Who can resist those tiny arms and hands and that precious fuzzy head? Often due to various other tasks that demand time and attention, mommies, and even grandmas, can become experts at multitasking: vacuuming with baby in tow, rinsing and loading dishes into the dishwasher, brushing big sister’s hair with the new little “helper” sharing the space. But there are many times when a mother has to choose to put something down to pick up her precious bundle and devote full time and attention to the little wonder that God has given as his special blessing. And though it can be tremendously hard at times, I believe many mothers would also concur that it really is totally worth it!
Mary, the mother of Jesus, was no exception. She had to put some things down to pick up her dear little Son. She was a virgin, but being pregnant during the period of betrothal would mean scorn, stares, and isolation from those in her community. She had to put down her dignity, her family ties, and any preconceived notions about the beginnings of married life as she expected the birth of her prodigious Son sooner than she would have dreamed. Oh, how special it was to her, however, to hold God’s Son. And everything she let go was worth putting down for the sake of not just that moment, but for the benefit of the entire world for all of time into eternity.
Then consider her Son. Jesus spent his life putting things down and picking up other things, some of which he would have rather left alone. He put down his heavenly sovereignty and picked up an unprivileged start to his earthly life in a dank, stinking manger. He put down his entitlement to a throne and scepter and picked up scorn and skepticism from particularly the educated and elite in the Israelite society. He gave up his glory and his rightful place of worship and picked up a rugged cross, the instrument of his death. He laid down his life and lifted up the souls of those who put their trust and faith in him for eternal salvation. And though it was incredibly hard at times, to Jesus it was totally worth it – what a wonderful Savior!
This Christmas, what might you put down and what might you pick up in honor of the humble, loving Son of God? To truly devote oneself to the Savior, there are choices to make, things to put aside, and sometimes challenging things to pick up to live out the life that will bring him honor and glory and live as he desires. And though it may be particularly hard at times, it will be totally worth it!
“Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God” (Hebrews 12: 1-2, ESV).
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Of Carols and Kings

I was visiting my daughter and her family back in mid-October – great time, and lots of fun with her two little ones. It’s very common for a continual stream of music to be playing on the VERY LOUD speaker system, something to which I have become accustomed. About midway through the week, the selection turned from the worship music genre typically played, to Christmas music. No, that wasn’t a typo (i.e., I really meant Christian music). Katie had decided it was time to start getting into the Christmas spirit, despite harvest and pumpkins and the fall colors one would normally enjoy during that season. She expressed that it was something “I just need this year.” I tend to be a bit old-school and come from a time when even Thanksgiving and Christmas were quite separate holidays. So, I would prefer to have my carols with a cup of cocoa a lot closer to at least the end of November, but I have to admit that I enjoyed the festive Yuletide entertainment as well.
After I returned home later in the month, my husband purchased a little gizmo that plays music on demand. Saturday, October 25th, it was gray, cold, and snowy outside. It seemed like a perfect fit for another round of Christmas carols. I requested Christmas music and listened to about four numbers, but it still felt early (for both the snow and the holiday music). Interestingly, the next morning as I did my exercise routine, I turned on the local Christian radio station. They too had opted to put together a Christmas playlist, explaining that while they would return to regular programming until closer to the holiday season, they thought that their listeners needed a little bit of Christmas cheer. One of the first songs I heard was “We Need a Little Christmas.”* Apparently, many people felt like Katie.
It is undeniable that this year has been extremely trying for so many reasons. Before it began, likely no one would have predicted that unlike the year’s numerical meaning of clear vision, insight, and near perfection, 2020 brought us months of uncertainty, frustration, and even hostility. We certainly are looking for something in our lives to lift our spirits and help us to harken back to happier days. But is it merely a feeling of goodwill, comfort, and joy that we seek, or do we need something more?
Before Jesus was born, the nation of Israel had a challenging existence. There had not been a prophetic utterance from God for over four hundred years. They were under the severe rule of the Roman Empire, and they were looking for a leader to bring deliverance and restoration of their once powerful kingdom. Much is found in the Old Testament about the Messiah, and God’s people clung to words like those found in Isaiah, “The government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and of peace there will be no end, on the throne of David and over his kingdom, to establish it and to uphold it with justice and with righteousness from this time forth and forevermore. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will do this” (Isaiah 9:6b-7, ESV). So, the people of Israel wanted someone to rescue them practically and politically, and when God sent his Son into the world as the Word says in the Book of Acts, “[The people in Jerusalem and their rulers] did not recognize him nor understand the utterances of the prophets, which are read every Sabbath” (Acts 13:27b, ESV). God sent them the King of kings and Lord of Lords, the One who would provide for their deepest needs and longings, the One who would set them free from the ravages of sin and provide them more than an abundant life on earth, but life eternal. They did not understand that God’s kingdom is one like no other, and the guarantees of peace, prosperity, and power are realized within the heart, above and beyond one’s circumstances.
And so, we too need King Jesus whom God sent into the world over two thousand years ago. Though he came in a humble manner, he wields infinite power to give us his strength. Though he came into an impoverished setting, he bestows his riches for salvation on all who call on him. Though he came as a servant, he reigns eternally and extends that authority to all who follow him. At Christmastime, we think about the baby who came in the environs of a stable to a poor family in the unassuming town of Bethlehem. But let us remember and embrace him as the King, majestic, glorious, splendid, who rules and reigns forever. We need his leadership, his provision, his peace, his protection, his guidance, and his gift of redemption, and we need it now!
“Give ear to my words, O LORD; consider my groaning. Give attention to the sound of my cry, my King and my God, for to you do I pray… let all who take refuge in you rejoice; let them ever sing for joy, and spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may exult in you. For you bless the righteous, O LORD; you cover him with favor as with a shield” (Psalm 5:1-2, 11-12, ESV).
*Herman, Jerry, “We Need A Little Christmas” (1966). Vocal Popular Sheet Music Collection. Edwin H. Morris & Company, Inc. New York, New York. Score 5566
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Perfect Surroundings; Christmas
For those of you in colder climes where the appearance of snow is a winter norm, there can still be something unsettling about the amassing of the white powdery stuff, especially if it appears too early in the fall or hangs around too late in what should be spring. For me, there is really only one time of year when cold and snow feel absolutely right—the Christmas season! That will surely make sense to you when I share that I grew up southeast of Buffalo, NY within five miles of Lake Erie. But even when we lived in a basically one-season part of the US, locals suggested turning the air conditioning down to about fifty degrees on Christmas Eve and donning sweaters to pretend we were spending an idyllic Christmas in the perfect surroundings. In truth, even during the years in Buffalo, we would often have a dry, green Christmas Day and then an Easter with three-foot drifts. Those are the times when the environment did not seem to match the occasion.
Our first snow here this year in The Springs was on 10 October, way too early in my estimation. We were out of town when the next storm hit, and then at the end of October, Mr. Snow showed up again. By that time, I was beginning to do some early shopping for Christmas since we were traveling for Thanksgiving, and it made sense to take Christmas gifts with us versus shipping them to each family. The snowfall had subsided by the time I drove, and with the sky still a nice US northeastern gray (only appreciated by those of us who grew up there), I donned my sweater, winter coat, scarf, and gloves to keep me cozy. It felt like the perfect day to get holiday shopping started. One over-eager radio station had even started playing carols in their mix. It all went really well until the sun emerged through the clouds. At our altitude, the sun appearing can bring up the temps quite quickly and intensely. I turned off the heater, and I began shedding layers faster than a Siberian Husky relocated to the tropics. By the time my left ear began to burn from the sun in the driver’s side window, I was not going to continue the drive, much less the quest for the perfect Christmas gifts that had been “so much fun” just an hour before. The environment had changed, and my desire to make some early purchases melted with the snow on the ground.
When Jesus was born in Bethlehem on what we now refer to as the first Christmas morn, the environment could not have been more out of place for a coming King. The first roof over his head was a stable. His first bed was a manger filled with hay. His welcoming committee, aside from his mother and earthly father, were common animals. His first visitors were the lowest of the low in society, shepherds. Nothing could have been further removed from true royalty, and yet, there he was in such humble surroundings, born into the world for ALL of the world! God knew; God planned for it to be just so. As much as he deserved the finest reception for his advent here, his entrance in humility opened the door for anyone with a needy, repentant heart—rich and poor, intelligent and ignorant, young and old, the mighty and the weak—to come to him and receive his loving embrace and saving grace. Only God in all his wisdom knew that his Son, the King, would best come in a time and place that would defy the world’s preconceived notions and norms so that he could change the hearts and lives of any and all who would turn to him.
So, come to the place where he lay. Imagine the environment where he first entered the world, and know that in spite of what you may see around him, here lies the Savior. The occasion of his coming can melt the heart of all who choose to bow before him and make the biggest change in each repentant life. Those who trust in him can look forward with anticipation and joy to a perfect time and glorious surroundings when he comes again. “And she gave birth to her firstborn son and wrapped him in swaddling cloths and laid him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn. And in the same region there were shepherds out in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And an angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were filled with great fear. And the angel said to them, ‘Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord’” (Luke 2:7-11, ESV).
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The story of its creation and promotion has several variations and differing nuances. The length of its rise to fame spans decades; its influence has continued for two hundred years. Not only is it known throughout Christendom, but also it is likely recognized and employed during the holidays by even those who have not come to faith in Christ. What, might you ask, would have such an enormous impact on humanity save for the Word of God itself? It is the beloved carol sung and played throughout the Christmas season, Silent Night.
This year is the 200th Anniversary of the musical composition and inaugural performance of the song known for its beautifully simple lyrics and melody. An authentic score was found in 1995 pinpointing the date of Mohr’s original writing as being in 1816. Tales abound as to the reason this carol was written, as well as about the circumstances of its employ.
A faulty organ at St. Nicholas church in Oberndorf, Austria is often given as the reason for Mohr’s request that the song be accompanied by guitar. Some credit ravenous mice for the problem, believing they damaged the organ’s bellows. No matter. When Father Joseph Mohr passed on the lyrics to organist, Franz Gruber, his request was for the stringed instrument, two voices, and a choir to bring the first sounds of this tender carol to the listeners’ ears. And so it was that Franz Gruber created an accompaniment and fashioned a melody that along with Joseph Mohr’s poem has touched the hearts and lives of people ever since.
As I think back to the night about which Silent Night is written, the birth of our precious Lord and Savior in a lowly stable, I wonder just how silent a night like that could be. Wouldn’t there have been a lot of hustle and bustle around a young mother about to give birth in such an unlikely place? Could the animal occupants, perhaps shooed and unsettled from their regular stalls, hold back their moos, baas, bleats, and other utterances that would normally be heard among them? And what about Mary herself, a young lady having her first child? Would she have delivered without a sound or a cry as she brought forth that baby boy? Though the Word itself is silent on the probable ambient noise surrounding the birth of the infant King, it is not hard to imagine that the awe and wonder of his arrival was met with a holy silence all around as his presence dawned on our fallen world. The Savior, the promise and hope that all mankind so desperately needed, captivated his mother, his earthly father, the animals surrounding him, and the shepherds who came to worship him, and the earth held its collective breath. The same awe and wonder must have captivated Father Mohr as he penned his apt lyrics.
And what about us? How silent is our reception for the Savior of the world? Our lives are most likely filled with parties, plays and concerts, shopping days, baking and cooking, visiting and being visited. We barely have room to breathe let alone make room for an uninterrupted audience with him. The title of the song in its original German language is Stille Nacht. In English, “Stille” can be translated silent, but also quiet, peaceful, calm, and of course, still. How often do we take the time to just be still before the Lord? His Word does encourage us to “Be still and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10, ESV). It is only in the still moments that we can truly reflect on who he is and what his coming means to us and to the world. It is only in the realm of silence that we become aware of the awe and wonder experienced by those who were first in his presence, and we can then become captivated with the One and Only Son of God sent into our world to save us. Can you take some time to be still to focus on his coming this Christmas season?
“For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. And this will be a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger” (Luke 2:11-12, ESV).Silent night, holy night.
All is calm, all is bright
‘Round yon virgin mother and Child;
Holy infant so tender and mild,
Sleep in heavenly peace,
Sleep in heavenly peace. – Father Joseph Mohr
Stille Translation
World’s Best Loved Carol
The Story Behind Silent Night
History of the Song
Celebrating Holidays