The Great Problem Solver

I’m sure I’m not the only one who has noticed that our problems seem that much more highlighted during the holiday season. Insufficient finances, broken relationships, self-esteem and depression issues all intensify in the weeks that lead up to and encompass the “season of joy and mirth.” They are often matters over which individuals have no control. Many put on a happy face and muddle through this time of year; others turn to a panacea of their own making, actually adding to their difficulties. Christians should know where to turn, but even with sincere prayers, they hang on to the trouble as if it were a cherished gift opened by a child on Christmas morning. Even possibly having memorized the verses that tell us to “not be anxious about anything,” they are aware of the futility of their actions, but they are unable to cross the divide to full faith and trust in the Lord who truly does care and who has their best interest at heart.
I’m not immune to this dilemma. We are experiencing some serious trials this year within our family circle. I’m the mom of grown children, but a mom is forever a problem solver. We put band-aids on boo-boos, put food on the table for our hungry charges, and wipe away tears caused by our children’s stress and anguish. I was thinking about some of the situations we are facing as a family and verbalizing to the Lord that I, as the mom, want to bring solutions to my children’s problems. I considered the Scripture from Philippians 4:6 that I referenced above: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” Verse seven continues: “And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (1984 NIV). It appears that the verses leave us hanging, wondering as to how the issues about which we are anxious will be addressed by our merciful God. As I continued to ponder the verse, I felt that I heard God’s still, small voice say, “I am The Great Problem Solver.” In that moment, the answer became very clear to me.
When we realize that God is the problem solver, we rest in that truth, and we thank Him for answers that we cannot yet perceive, and His peace will inevitably be ours. I may put band-aids on boo-boos, which is a quick fix at best, but God deals with the deep wounds in a fashion that brings healing from within. I may put food on the table, but God produces and provides the sustenance that I set there. I may wipe away tears from the eyes of my loved ones, but God who sees through to the very heart of their hurts and fears will bring peace and comfort to them as we lead them to surrender all unto His capable hands. I felt relief and peace because a burden really was lifted from my shoulders. I no longer need to carry problems; they are the Lord’s to bear and fix in His time and by His will for our lives.
As many of you, I am still not good at giving up the problem solving title. However, my gift to myself for this Christmas and New Year is to continue to trust in God’s problem solving abilities and thus procure His peace that passes all understanding. May that be a precious gift to you as well this holiday season.
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