The Evidence of Love

IMG_6505-225x300.jpgAt the end of January, we took a little get-away trip to what my husband believed would be a fairly warm destination compared to our area in Colorado. Little did he know when he booked the trip well in advance that three days before our departure date the panhandle of Florida would experience their worst snowstorm in more than a century! Fortunately, while the eight-to-nine-inch accumulation wreaked havoc throughout its duration, in the next day or two, the generally warmer clime caused all evidence that this event even took place to disappear. Still, cooler temps, especially in the evenings, had us dressed in slacks, sweaters, and jackets throughout most of our time there.

As to be expected, things were rather desolate and quiet outdoors and even in many of the shops, restaurants, and indoor entertainment venues. Being affiliated with the military, we always look to see what might be taking place on the bases in our vicinity. I remembered that the Navy’s elite flight exhibition team, the Blue Angels, are based in Pensacola, FL and that the base is also home to the National Naval Aviation Museum. According to its website it “is one of the largest aviation museums in the world.” Though it was over an hour from where we were staying, we felt it was well worth the trip to give us an inspiring and interesting experience in an indoor space. Bonus – general admission is free to all visitors.
Our choice did not disappoint! It is definitely a worthwhile visit for anyone in the vicinity of the upper northwest of Florida. Upon arrival we saw that tours were being given at certain times of the day, and while we waited, we occupied our time beforehand looking at models of aircraft carriers throughout twentieth century naval history. We headed to the gathering spot for tour participants along with a small group of people and met our guide. Our docent had been in the Navy and spent part of his career as a pilot of both fixed wing planes and helicopters during the Vietnam War. From personal experience as well as from delving into information and materials beyond his own involvement, this retired Navy Lieutenant knew his stuff! The tour was stated to be between one and a half and two hours. Three hours later we were still under the tutelage of our lead, who from ships, aircraft, personnel, historic particulars, and intimate knowledge gave us a comprehensive account of the Navy’s aircraft history up through the last century and even including some present-day facts. This was without the aid of any written or recorded notes or prompts, and he was clearly happy to do so. We would come before a craft and he’d begin giving us all the pertinent details in relation to it and those who worked with it. His information was abundant and the stories amazing. If it weren’t for the museum’s restaurant nearing closing time, which he felt we should patronize, we might have spent until the museum closed learning all things Naval aviation.
Our tour guide’s knowledge and experience, of course, were impressive, but it was so much more! It was evident that this Navy Lieutenant loved his armed service career, the planes he flew, the people with whom he worked, and the country and the military for which he served. I’ve really thought about that since our museum visit. When we truly love somebody or something, we can talk all day about the object of our affection. We likely have a wealth of facts and stories to impart, and we do so with delight. It is a joy to share the best about what most occupies our thoughts and lives.
As a believer, I profess to love my Savior, Jesus Christ. But this tour experience has me examining my willingness and ability to share that love and all the wonderful truth about the Lord. Of course, it really does take knowing more about him through his Word, in prayer, and in close communion with his Spirit, and this is something that I continue to strive to do. But how disposed am I to speak clearly and consistently about him to those who might need that guidance in their lives? Can I occupy even a three-minute span of time letting others know who Jesus is and about the wonderful things he’s done for me? Am I prepared at all times to be a testimony to the One who died to give me everlasting life?
I know in my heart that I have so far to go and so much to improve on in this area. I would encourage all of you, dear readers, to make this self-assessment. May God help us all to be like the Lieutenant docent so we share the good news of our Lord and Savior with great joy and in abundant measure. The stories we can tell about him are more than amazing!
“Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season;” (2 Timothy 4:2a, ESV).
“But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light” (1 Peter 2:9, ESV).
“But in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for the reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect,” (1 Peter 3:15, ESV).
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