
IMG_6234-287x215.jpgI’m sitting in a church sanctuary turned auditorium on Friday night watching a Christmas musical practice that will be presented to the congregation on Sunday evening. The children and young people are doing a great job and seem to be giving the performance their best shot. It’s so good to see adolescents and kids investing in a production that highlights and celebrates the true meaning of Christmas, one that is meant to bring honor to the Lord and draw people to him. Interestingly, this musical was written and first performed twenty-five years ago, but with a refresh of the script, the music and message are amazingly contemporary. It is an incredible privilege to be here, and I am overwhelmed that something God inspired me to write and produce a quarter-century ago still speaks today. But that is nothing compared to the realization that the Christmas story is timeless, amazing because the Savior’s entrance into the world was over two thousand years ago. No matter how many more years the Lord allows us to remain on earth, it will always be fresh, always up-to-date, and always meaningful to God’s followers and to those who are listening and learning to eventually become part of his family.
His story, the story of his entrance into the world, is one of the greatest historical events to ever take place, paving the way for his ultimate sacrifice and victorious resurrection. But it doesn’t live in past history. Most especially at this time of year, the story is renewed in receptive hearts, and it brings the same hope and wonder to all who take the time to pay attention and participate in the celebration as it did to the shepherds long ago.
But it does require paying attention and taking the time to focus on the origin of why we observe this occasion in the first place. There are an awful lot of nice trappings that accompany the holiday – decorating homes, offices, and other gathering spaces, visits with family and friends, sumptuous meals, gift exchanges, generous giving to those who have a need, and even special church services that commemorate Jesus’ birth. Each has its place and importance, particularly as they relate to serving and worshiping the Lord. But if the emphasis in this season is not directed toward the Son of God who gave up his heavenly home to put on flesh to relate to us and bring salvation to those who receive his gift, then we are missing the timeless message of his coming. Remember, angels left heaven and gathered together in the sky to proclaim the good news of his birth, shepherds left their fields and made haste to see this tiny reminder of God’s love and salvation, the righteous Simeon and the prophetess Anna left their everyday routines to marvel at him and worship and adore him, and eventually the wisemen left their home in the east to diligently search for him and to present him lavish gifts and worship. When one truly focuses on an important matter, it does necessitate leaving out other things that may distract, and giving full attention to the object of focus. How much more does this once-for-all-time event, the birth of our Savior, deserve our full attentiveness and devotion?
This year, plan to make your Christmas season a reflection of your love and appreciation for the One who gave up so much to enter this world for you. Thank him for his timeless story that remains fresh and relevant to all who open their hearts to him. Bring Scripture and prayer into the center of your family’s festivities, and celebrate the true meaning of Christmas with abundant joy. May it be the merriest of holidays for you and yours!
“For by a single offering he has perfected for all time those who are being sanctified” (Hebrews 10:14, ESV).
“To the only God, our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen” (Jude 1:25, ESV).
Thank you to Kelley Tuck for editing assistance!
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