Author Archives: Karen Langdon


The old adage “Curiosity killed the cat,” seems to have come from various places in various forms. But no matter its origins, the curiosity part seems to hold true when it comes to felines. Example: having just stayed in a … Continue reading

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In Step

It is a treat to spend time in warmer places during the winter months when harsher weather and colder temperatures are a staple farther north. We are not snowbirds as many people are from late fall until sometime in the … Continue reading

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Pet Peeves and Sticky Situations

Pet Peeves; we all have them. They can perturb in the home: my husband is particularly annoyed that I do not squeeze the toothpaste tube starting at the bottom. And how about the proverbial seat up/seat down challenge in regard … Continue reading

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Circle of Need

It has been an ultra-busy fall season, the details of which would take up at least a blessings blog amount of space to recount. Basically, my schedule was packed day-to-day and just about minute-to minute from the get-go in September, … Continue reading

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Team Strategy

Before the summer season winds down and the anticipation of beautiful colored leaves, crisp apples and the resultant apple edibles, and a cooler weather pattern come into being, a quintessential American activity begins. By August, many people engage in supporting … Continue reading

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Once we hit July, this year’s summer schedule was fairly open for us, and as such we decided to go camping. True diehards that participate in this activity would be sure to say that we actually went glamping, being that … Continue reading

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All the World

It can be so easy to think solely in the here and now and remain focused on only what is in front of us. After all, in our own families with young children, mom’s name must be uttered at least … Continue reading

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Never Miss a Beat

I know that in the past I’ve shared that physical coordination is not my strong suit. I recall that I took tap lessons for about half a year when I was about six. I think all I came away with … Continue reading

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Done in Love

My husband has a rock ministry. Oh, no, no, no – he does not have an electric guitar strapped to his neck using head-banging flare and flying fingers to attract perhaps a younger crowd with contemporary music. I am talking … Continue reading

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The Wisdom of Seeking Jesus

I am so blessed to have some wonderful Christian sisters who mean the world to me. A couple, in particular, are close both in distance and in heart. We often celebrate holidays, birthdays, and other occasions together, which is a … Continue reading

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