Author Archives: Karen Langdon
A Useful Vessel
When we returned home from our winter/spring travels in the end of April, I was delighted to see that my two tulips planted so lovingly with my granddaughter two and a half years ago were between three and four inches … Continue reading
My sister-in-law and her husband own a cozy home near Lake Ontario in upstate New York. It is an older house, but they have renovated and upgraded throughout their time of habitation. David and Brenda are very welcoming to family … Continue reading
The Beauty Shines Through
Though the winters in our area can feature wide-ranging temperatures and nary a flake until the spring, the snow has seemed particularly scarce this year. So when we happened to have a decent snowfall over the weekend, I was drawn … Continue reading
The Big Reveal
A few months ago we were delighted to hear from our youngest daughter and her husband that they are expecting their first child next March. As is the trend with today’s parents-to-be, they opted to find out their baby’s gender … Continue reading
Exceeding Expectations
Olympic fever has been running high at my daughter’s home in North Carolina. Though my granddaughters are only four, two and newborn, we have been sitting down together as a family to watch events in swimming, diving, archery, and gymnastics. … Continue reading
Always There
As a military family, we were very blessed to travel quite a bit. Sometimes we took a literal vacation to an area that was new to explore. Often our journeys were long car rides for the purpose of visiting extended … Continue reading
The Love of the Father
We’ve had the privilege of being vendors at local military exchanges. It is a great way for us to get the word out about Godstruck Ministries and our products, and it allows us to connect with military members and retirees. … Continue reading
Lunch with Libby
I’ve had the privilege of spending time with my almost two-year-old granddaughter for the past month. Mommy had a brand new baby girl, and I came out to witness the happy event and help for a few weeks. We’ve been … Continue reading
The Great Problem Solver
I’m sure I’m not the only one who has noticed that our problems seem that much more highlighted during the holiday season. Insufficient finances, broken relationships, self-esteem and depression issues all intensify in the weeks that lead up to and … Continue reading
It’s Time… To Praise
The media is saturated with news that is disconcerting: People in positions of authority or in high visibility careers are committing immoral, if not illegal acts. Previously unknown individuals are solidifying infamous reputations by committing random acts of violence that … Continue reading